Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, J. Olmsted (STScI)
Press releases
CNN: Webb telescope spots water in a nearby planetary system
MPIA: Water discovered in rocky planet-forming zone offers clues on habitability
Spiegel: Aufnahmen des James-Webb-Teleskops: Gibst es anderes Leben in Weltall? James Webb Space Telescope spies water near center of planet-forming disk in cosmic 1st
New Scientist: Water seen in young planet system shows Earth may have always been wet
Spiegel+: Schon auf der Baby-Erde könnte es Wasser gegeben haben
Université Paris Saclay: Le télescope spatial JWST détecte de l’eau dans un disque abritant des embryons de planètes
Media INAF: Acqua in un sistema planetario in formazione
Le Scienze: James Webb trova acqua in un sistema planetario in formazione
La Stampa: Acqua in un sistema solare in formazione
Passione Astronomia: Scoperta acqua nella zona di formazione di un esopianeta
ANSA: C’é acqua in un sistema planetario nascente, a 370 anni luce
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (20. August 2023, nr. 33, Seite 54): Staub zu Planeten
Scientific American: JWST Is Tracking Down the Cosmic Origins of Earth’s Water
Le Scienze: JWST sta rintracciando le origini cosmiche dell’acqua terrestre
SpaceRef: Cosmic water studies are expanding the notion of planetary habitability
HIGHLIGHTS 2023: Water supplies for Earth-like planets
Astrobites: Water, Water, Everywhere – And Not a Drop to Photodissociate!
MPIA: Water in the terrestrial planet-forming zone of the PDS 70 disk
NASASpaceNews: JWST discovers water vapour in a disk with giant planets
Night Sky News (Dr. Becky): JWST finds water where planets are forming around a star
Societal Impact:
AstronomiAmo: Alla ricerca delle origini dell’acqua terrestre in sistemi planetari in formazione
6th Shaw-IAU Workshop on Astronomy for Education: Tracking Down the Cosmic Origins of Earth’s Water
CO.Scienza: La scienza del JWST
Planetary Radio (The Planetary Society) : JWST detects water vapor in a planet-forming disk
Astrochem Coffee: Water in the terrestrial planet-forming zone of the PDS 70 disk
CO.Scienza: Gli esopianeti e il James Webb Space Telescope
NASA: Webb Finds Plethora of Carbon Molecules Around Young Star
Nature: How worlds are born: JWST reveals exotic chemistry of planetary nurseries
POLITIKEN: Dansk studerende wil hjœlpe Elon Musk til at dø på Mars
Last update: August 27, 2024
Video Credit: T. Müller (MPIA)
Video Credit: A. Arabhavi (Kaptyen Institute)